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Name: 2024 Mr Ye's Handmade Wild Green

Origin: Houkeng, Anhui, China
Season: April, 2024

When tea seeds ripen in the mountains during autumn, they fall to the forest floor, settling beside small streams or among thick bamboo groves, sometimes getting stuck in boulder cracks. They lie dormant, ready for nature to breathe life into the roots they lay down. Gradually, year after year, undisturbed by humans, these saplings grow into hardy wild tea trees, thriving off the natural environment, vying for light and soil.

Just before Mr Ye begins his annual processing of Houkui tea in April, he hikes into the mountains and picks a small batch from the seasons newly-sprouted wild tea saplings. There is no grading, he simply selects single shoots with one, two or three leaves, following what the forest has to offer. He then takes the pickings home and pan-fries them by hand, finally drying them by charcoals. The tea is ready to drink.

This is tea simply as nature offers it: sweet and fragrant, with a clean, refreshing aftertaste. Wild tea resonates, deep within. I can taste a call to nature.




2024 Mr Ye's Handmade Wild Green (荒野魁尖)

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